Use our free auto loan calculator widget to keep visitors on your site longer and provide a valuable tool they need to estimate monthly payments on auto loans. Our auto loan calculator is perfect for automotive websites, credit unions, education and car buying blogs and other sites targeting auto shoppers. The calculator widget is easy to create and install on your website. The calculator work on any website and is perfect for viewers using a computer, tablet or mobile phone. We will walk you through setting your free auto calculator up in a few easy steps. (Please note that in order to build a free calculator, you have to be on a desktop or laptop computer.)
- 100% free and contain no ads
- Take less than one minute to create and install our javascript code on your website
- Keep visitors on your site longer
- Allow visitors can perform unlimited calculations
Take a look at the auto loan calculator widget below in order you to get an idea of what it might look like on your website. Keep in mind you can easily choose the color and size you would like or you can simply copy the code to get our default calculator:
Like this calculator widget just like it is and want to skip the directions below? Simply copy the code below on your website and you are ready to go! Want to build your own? Then skip down to the directions below!
<script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script><div id=”calculator-widget-container” data-widget-props='{“title”:”Auto Loan Calculator”, “values”:{“price”:”0.00″, “down_pymnt”:”0.00″, “rate”:”0.0″, “term”:”0″, “rebate”:”0.00″, “trade_in”:”0.00″, “amnt_owed”:”0.00″, “sales_tax”:”0.0″}, “styles”:{“skin”:”black-skin”, “default_skin”:true, “custom”:{“sidebar”:{“num_cols”:”one-column”, “bg”:”#fff”, “header_footer_bg”:”#000″, “header_footer_txt”:”#fff”, “txt”:”#000″, “btn”:”#043962″, “btn_txt”:”#fff”, “border”:”#000″, “border_radius”:”10px”}, “results”:{“bg”:”#fcfcfc”, “border”:”#dedede”, “txt”:”#333″}}}}’></div>
First: Access the Free Auto Loan Calculator Builder Tool
To access the calculator builder tool, simply click on the “Free Widget” link on the top of our website or click the widget box that appears in the right side of every page of our website:
Once you click on either of these triggers, you will see an easy to use builder screen with 5 easy steps to creating your calculator:
Next: Create Your Free Auto Loan Calculator
We’ve made it easy for you get a working auto loan calculator on your website very quickly. Once you open the widget builder screen, you can make any changes you want to the calculator widget before placing it on your site. All you need to do is to quickly decide how you want your calculator to look by following the easy steps outlined.
- Step 1: Choose a “skin” or accent color for your auto loan calculator. The header and footer background colors will be whatever color you select. The default color is black. You can choose blue, red, green, white, grey or orange. If you select “Fully Customize Your Widget” then you will be able to choose the exact colors you want for the header, footer, background, text, border and buttons. You can get as creative as you would like or you can simply choose one our pre-selected “skin” colors.
- Step 2: Input a “heading” or title for your auto loan calculator. The default heading is “Auto Loan Calculator”. You can leave this alone or include whatever text you would like to appear.
- Step 3: Change Default Values if you would like to. By default, all input fields will be zero in your auto loan calculator widget. If you would like to include any default values, you can enter them here. For example, you may want to include a certain interest rate that will appear in your widget or a specific loan term like 5 years. Your website visitors will be able to change any values they want when they are using the loan calculator. Remember, you can leave these fields as they are and simply have zero as all the default values in your widget.
- Step 4: Choose whether you would like to have one column or two columns for your loan calculator. In the example above, we chose a one-column calculator. You can choose to have a two column calculator. Please note a two-column calculator will appear wider.
- Step 5: Copy and paste your Auto Loan Calculator code into your website. You final step is to copy the html code and paste it into your website. You may need help from your website developer or technical resource to do this. It is a fairly simple process but it’s always best to make sure you are putting the code in the right place. Be sure to upload the page in order to see the site live on your website.
Hint: Use the “PREVIEW” button while you’re building your calculator. You can click “preview” anytime to see what your calculator looks like before you copy and paste the code!